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Mission Statement:

On November 7, 2011 the Declaration of Circassian Nationhood was delivered to the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.  On this auspicious day, Circassians officially claimed the natuaral rights endowed to us and affirmed by international law and universally accepted standards.  These international laws and standards are the primary mechanism that the Indigenous Circassian Nation (ICN) will utilize to obtain our rights to our homeland and within our homeland.  This homeland is Circassia, the ancient and eternal. 

The Indigenous Circassian Nation is a peaceful, secular and democratic entity.  It is the legitimate body politic of Circassians to officially represent themselves on the world stage.  The mandate of the Indigenous Circassian Nation, to which its leadership is bound and guided by international law, is the pursuit of the following goals:

The Indigenous Circassian Nation is a peaceful, secular and democratic entity.  It is the legitimate body politic of Circassians to officially represent themselves on the world stage.  The mandate of the Indigenous Circassian Nation, to which its leadership is bound and guided by international law, is the pursuit of the following goals:

  1. Preserve the Circassian Diaspora from the imminent threat of extinction which will be complete within 3 generations, the process of assimilation is a slow but precise tool of ethnic and cultural Genocide, it is the most serious threat we face today as a nation. We must think of the future generations and make every attempt to preserve their culture, history and blood for the good of our nation. Since the Majority of the Indigenous Circassian Nation is in exile, it is a paramount priority and responsibility of the international community to provide assistance to Indigenous Circassian to save them from extinction and the cultural cancer that is assimilation. It will be the responsibility of the ICN to bring to light and assert these obligations onto the international community on behalf of the Indigenous Circassian Nation.
  2. The unconditional right of return for all Circassian Diaspora, anywhere in the world. 
  3. • The right to hold dual citizenship.
  4. • The reunification of Circassia into a single, contiguous, autonomous republic.
  5. • Protection of the Circassian language, including reinstatement and protection of Circassian language instruction in primary schools and universities in the Circassian homeland.
  6. • The right to consult and/or manage administration of environmental and natural resources of the Circassian homeland.
  7. • The social, cultural and economic development of the Circassian homeland.

The inviolability of this mandate and the subsequent Constitution it shall facilitate, is our protection from destructive infighting, suspicion and foreign interference.  In the modern era, it is institutions, not men that build flourishing and enduring nations.  The Indigenous Circassian Nation will be such an institution.   

A provisional National Executive (governing body) has been established to develop an organizational framework and to plan and organize the Inaugural Circassian National Congress, where an official Circassian Constitution, a national agenda and a formal and democratically elected National Executive and its Ministries will be created.  This National Congress will be held in Europe as soon as feasibly possible.  Achieving the goals of the mandate will be carried out by relevant Ministries of the National Executive of the ICN, Circassian NGOs that the ICN supports and funds, as well as the ICN Diplomatic Missions around the world. 

As the Circassian nation is using the provisions of the virtually universally accepted UNDRIP as its primary protocol, there is absolutely no basis whatsoever for any accusations of separatism or subversion by any citizen or supporter of the Circassian nation.  The organisation of an indigenous directive is an internal autonomous function of an Indigenous peoples that does not in any way affect the sovereignty of a state, as stated in Article 46 of the UNDRIP.  In fact, states are obligated to support and assist in this process under Article 42 of the UN declaration.  The Circassian nation operates under the premise, as do all the signatories of UNDRIP, that implementation of indigenous rights is an absolute good that is morally imperative and mutually beneficial for all parties concerned, and is ideally a cooperative process


Speech at EU 2011
Speech at UN 2011
At EU 2011

John Haghor's Presentation
During The 7th Circassian Day
At The European Parliament
On The 7th Of November, 2011

Cicek Dumen Chek's Presentation

During The 7th Circassian Day At

The European Parliament

on The 7th Of November, 2011

Alan Dja Mirzé Presentation

During The 7th Circassian Day At The European Parliament

on The 7th Of November, 2011.

Commonwealth “Confederation” of Circassia The Independent mountain people Europe after the Congress of Vienna, 1815. Circassia, far right, is labeled "Unabhängige Bergvölker"="Independent mountain people".

English Map

Labeled: Country Of The Cherkess Tribes

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Indigenous Circassian Nation In Exile
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